Monday, February 25, 2008

the new love technique

this morning, as i was getting ready for work, detroit ran up to me, slapped my butt, then covered her mouth and giggled. i turned around and asked what the bum slapping was for. she told me it was a new method she was trying out for getting boys to love her; apparently she was planning on impementing her new plan of action today at school. upon further conversation, i discovered it was none other than her uncle brett who advised her that this was the best way to get boys to fall in love with you. detroit asked him if that was how yukiko (his previous girlfriend and now close friend) got him to like her; she told me he just laughed when she asked. in an attempt to steer her in the right direction (and make sure no parents take a restraining order out against her) i told her that while the boys may like it, it probably isn't the best thing to do at school. they tend not to approve of butt touching.


c hanson said...

I laugh every time I read this!

Cyd said...

I think you need to be more dedicated about your blogging. How else can I keep up on your life? Do you expect me to call or what?? I heart you.

Kallunki Family said...

I am eagerly awaiting your next post. It has been like 16 days or something and I am sure a lot has happened in the lives of you and Bianca.